8 Questions for Kiss Her For The Kid

> Who are you?
> We are " Kiss Her For The Kid"! We have been a band for 2 1/2
> years. We just released our first E.P. named "Gee" a few weeks ago
> on Bee Gow Records. We are doing our first tour June 2nd through
> the 11th of 2006. We started in our basement and from there have
> moved out to playing shows all throughout Seattle and surrounding
> areas. We are getting radio airplay up here in Seattle and look
> forward to playing down the West Coast.
> Where are from? (originally/now)
> Hannah Roberts - Hoopa, CA
> Sean London - San Jose, CA
> Mike O'Dougherty - Santa Cruz, CA
> Alex Tryzna - Seattle, WA
> Now we all live in Seattle.
> What do you do?
> We write pop/rock/fizz tunes that make us want to dance, rock,
> reminisce, and go crazy. Our influences include The B-52's, X, and
> The Pixies.
> Why do you do what you do?
> We have to because it is a part of us. We play music because it
> gives us a voice for expression and it makes us feel really good.
> What are you working on?
> After we get back from tour, we are going to go back into the
> studio to record our first full length album. We are very excited
> about our songs. We will be looking to release the next record at
> the end of this year.
> What’s next?
> Have a blast on tour, play good shows, meet new people, listen to
> new music, and enjoy the small window called summer in Seattle.
> When will you be here? With who?
> We play at the Pearl Lounge in Eureka on Sunday, June 4. Four
> great bands: Romanteek (from Olympia), The Monster Women, Dance!!
> Attack!!, and us. Show starts at 8 PM.
> Anything else you want to add?
> We can't wait to play with The Monster Women, they rock! It is
> going to be a great show so we hope to see you out there!
> You can check out more info on the band at myspace.com/
> kissherforthekid and kissherforthekid.com
> thanks...