10 questions for Adeem from Glue

Who are you?
-My name is Adeem and I'm the last person you would expect to make as much noise as i do. I'm also the voice for the newest hip hop soul sensation, Glue. By the way, who are you? (I'm Bob, the questioner.)
Where are you from?
I'm from Keene, New Hampshire. In the middle of nowhere but also in the heart of everything. I grew up there listening to hip hop and then eventually making hip hop music. Now i live in a smaller town called Peterborough. 7000 people, no major chain stores, it's almost like heaven, but more boring i would assume.
What do you do?
-Sometimes i don't do much and other times I'm doing too much. I rap for a living, try to sing for a living, substitute teach when i need to be doing something else for a living, and I also make a mean rice and tempe curry dish.
Why do you do what you do?
-The passion i have for music is like nothing else i experience (besides love). It's all i want to do and it's the only thing i want to make a career out of. I also make music for people who still believe they have power to change things for the better. My music is about the life i live and it's for whoever can relate.
What are you working on?
-I'm working on some good breathing exercises so i can get better at yoga and I'm also working on 3 new albums. A new glue record, a solo record, and my second record with New Hampshire/Santa Cruz native DJ MF Shalem (www.myspace.com/shalem).
What's next?
-Tomorrow, i hope. Glue is currently on our first headlining tour and we're trying to spread the word as much as possible. Give people great shows and a night full of memories. This is our second nationwide tour in support of our latest record on Fatbeats records "Catch as Catch can" and we hope this tour will push us past the 1 million album point! Respect that.
When will you be here? With who?
-We will be playing in Eureka at the Red Fox Tavern on April 13th. I will rocking your face off with the other members of Glue, djdq and Maker.
Who's that?
-Thanks for asking. Maker is the best producer you've never heard of and has better records than you do. He has been the foundation for Glue's sound since we started playing together in 2001. dq is a member of the 2006 usa dmc champion turntable champion crew, the animal crackers. He is a self professed folk-tablist and is a genius with one turntable (in my humble opinion).
Website? MySpace?
-Our website is www.gluemakemusic.com and we also have built a huge party of friends at www.myspace.com/glue (everyone of those friends are real people and in no way are just robots sending spam). Respect.
We would love to just get everyone on myspace onto our website instead of having to deal with the nonsense of myspace, but that's not how it works (right now).
Anything else you want to add?
-Thanks again for asking these questions and we'll see you at the show. Please come out and support this show, we promise it will be a damn good time. Also check out www.gluemakesmusic.com and pick up our new album. Let's love each other.
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