9 questions for Yarah Bravo

Humboldt's own DJ Danny dropped a line the other day regarding a return visit from "international hip hop producer extraordinaire" DJ Vadim . The Russian-born DJ is coming to the Jambalaya Saturday with multi-culti MC Yarah Bravo. Max Ulis from the Lighta! crew out of Vancouver BC and local DJ Zanapod open.
Who are you?
I'm Yarah Bravo aka Little Miss B aka Lil Tornado aka GLUE aka The Mothergrain... among other things.
Where are you from?
I'm originally from Brazil. and my mother is from Chile, but i grew up in Sweden and as soon as i was old enough to travel by myself i left for London, UK. and since then i been traveling the world. i became a hip hop nomad! and today i see myself as a child of the world.
What do you do?
I breath ! i live ! i laugh! i cry...
But i also make music. i write and i write a lot. some say i'm an mc, some say i'm a poet, some say i'm a singer.
i am a thought deliverer. A lover of rhythm and words, and patterns.
yo i'm just a young girl trying to capture the world and bottle it up in a song.
Why do you do what you do?
cause if i didn't do it i would go crazy. it's my therapy, my best friend as well as my lover.
What are you working on?
My solo album!!! which i'm so excited about i think i will naturally combust. and electrocute myself on exposed wires. and i'm also doing collabs, to expand my mind. twinkling on the production side of things.
What’s next?
A westcoast tour is what's next!! my absolute favorite place to rock, except for France!. Cali inspires me! so february will be spent traveling up and down the westcoast.
When will you be here?
2nd of February. with DJ Vadim and my mother, if you don't know DJ Vadim...well, god bless Wikipedia then ....y'all know what to do ; )
Website? MySpace?
Anything else you want to add?
Eat more vegetables, listen to more reggae, be generous towards your fellow man ... support the 3rd renaissance of hip hop, go to my myspace add me, add my crew. let's connect.
lets grow. I-FLY